Gulf Palm Villas

Luxury Living on the Coast

News & Other Notables


What:     Notification of Planned Development

Where:   Directly Adjacent to our Complex on the West Side

From:      Betty Sparkman, Ward 1 Alderwoman


I wanted to inform you about our neighborhood's potential new housing development. Local developer Jourdan Nicaud is negotiating to purchase the property “Xed” below to develop a new subdivision tentatively titled Oyster Bay. The proposed development would include 39 homes, accessed by a new road connecting Kittiwake and 2nd Street. The price point for these new homes would be approximately $400,000, built by DR Horton/Emerald Series Homes.


If you would like to be kept apprised of this potential development, please email me. Then I will pass along information as it becomes available.


Thank you.

Betty Sparkman

Ward 1 Alderwoman

+1 (703) 980-3376




What:    GPV HOA Annual Meeting

When:    February 1, 2025

Where:  Pass Christian Library, 111 Hiern Avenue, Pass Christian, Mississippi


Due to scheduling issues, please note that the meeting date has been changed from January 18, 2025.


GPV Unit Owners will vote to accept the 2025 Budget Assumptions at this meeting. Also, Unit Owners will vote for a slate of officers presented by the GPV Nominating Committee consisting of Linda Elledge, Tim Cross, and Jay Pick. The Nominating Committee offers the following members for the 2025 GPV Board of Directors subject to other nominations from the floor:


President- Paul Tuennerman (#311)

Vice President- Emile Heber (#205)

Treasurer- Bill Abraham (#313)

Secretary- Mark Graham (#210)

Member-at-Large – Linda Elledge (#321)

Member-at-Large – Raymond May (#207)


Each Unit is allocated one (1) Vote. If you are not able to attend this meeting, please email your appointed proxy to the Secretary, Kelly Brasher, at  You may appoint any Unit Owner as your proxy. You may use the attached proxy form or email with the person’s name; please make sure your unit number is in the email. Proxies must be in writing.

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